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That was lefthander Dave Dravecky who pitched for the Padres and Giants between 1982-1989. He was found to have a cancerous tumor in 1988 and underwent surgery to remove part of the deltoid muscle in his pitching arm. He cameback to the minors in midseason the following year and made it back to the majors shortly afterwards. In his second game back, the humerus bone snapped while he was throwing a pitch and his career was over. Unfortunately, the arm got worse and the cancer could not be cured with surgeries and medication. His left arm and shoulder were amputated in 1991. Since then he has become a motivational speaker and has written several books. A tragic story but also a story of a person who looked adversity in the eye and overcame it. Dave Dravecky is a true role model.

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Jim Abbot comes to mind, Doug Davis had cancer but didn't lose anything.

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Q: Which baseball player had arm cancer?
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Most will say Roberto Clemente, but Vladimir Guerrero also had one.

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Yes later in life you could have cancer in that area.

Does cancer present as a swelling under the arm pit?

The most likely cancer that would present as a mass in the arm pit is breast cancer. This is due to lymph node swelling, as a result of breast cancer that has metastasized to lymph nodes in the "tail" of the breast tissue in and near the arm pit.However, before becoming overly concerned about a swelling in the arm pit, check with your physician first. There are many more benign causes than malignant causes.

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Can a baseball player wear a sweatband on there arm?

Yes anyone can! It provides style on the field but I don't know if it does anything to make your performance.

What kind of force is in a baseball pitcher's arm?

right arm

Does arm braces help with pain with bone cancer?

An arm brace may provide some relief with pain from movement but in itself it cannot stop or manage the actual pain of bone cancer.

If you have a lump in your arm pits could it be cancer?

maybe, see a doctor

Where are cervical cancer shots?

Dont worry, they are in your arm, upper shoulder.