No, 51 is not a prime number. A prime number is a number that has only itself and 1 as a factor. 51's factors are 1,3,17, and 51.
ANSWER: 61 is a prime number but 51 is a composite number.61 is a prime number because the factors of 61 are 1 and itself (61).51 is a composite number because the factors of 51 other 1 and itself (51) are 3 and 17.
The phone number of the Yankee Air Museum is: 734-483-4030.
51 is a prime number, so only 1 and 51 can go into it.
51 is not a prime number: 3x17=51
It is 51 to the nearest whole number.
In 1929, Mark Koenig became the first Yankee to wear number 2.
51 is an odd number
Um...52?? if you said what will be the number be after 51?
51 is composite.
51 is a Prime number, so only 1 and 51 can go into it.
The phone number of the Yankee Clipper Branch Library is: 616-988-5415.