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Nicky Winmar, of St Kilda. It was Round 4, 1993. They were playing Collingwood at Collingwood's home ground - Victoria Park - and Winmar had been putting up with racist taunts from Collingwood supporters all day. Then, he kicked a goal, turned to the Collingwood cheer squad, lifted his jumper and pointed to his skin. It was sheer magic. The photo was in every paper across Australia, and I think, even made into T-shirts.

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Q: Which VFL AFL footballer made the famous gesture of pulling up his shirt and pointing to his black skin to express pride in his Aboriginality?
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== == Meaning of the word: 'Gesture': ges·ture (jschr) n.1. A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech.2. The act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis.3. An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude: sent flowers as a gesture of sympathy. Rick made a gesture with his finger pointing to a 1967 Ford truck that he wanted to buy.

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