jaguars jags
Every team gives its car a name every year. The Ferrari car this year (2013) is named the F138 while the McLaren Mercedes is named the MP4-28. The McLaren Mercedes car was named MP4-27 in 2012. Every team gives its car a unique name and updates it every year. the name of the latest version of F1 cars can be found in Wikipedia or the respective team websites.
You cant.
The auto company that became part of General Motors was named Cadillac.
The man that invented the remote controlled car is named Bill Cambell. He also started the Delta Racing team and won championships in the 1980"s.
There is this guy called Fred Zollner and he decided to make a b-ball team. He was a manager of a car company in Indiana. He named his team the Fort Wayne Pistons. After that somebody relocated the team to Detroit.
No, stingrays are not named after the car; rather, the car was named after the fish due to its sleek and streamlined design resembling the shape of a stingray.
i love the flip dunk in 2k10 and the props especially the car you can see if virtual Kobe can jump over a car ha ha so nba 2k10-i love seeing players dunk over the car and trip on it: lol fail
"Car" is short for "carriage".
The 320d is a car made by German automaker BMW as part of their 3 Series line of cars. The 320d Touring was named "The Family Car of the Year" by Top Gear magazine.
The Audi A3 has been named 2014 world car of the year.