In modern times, the longest reign of any Egyptian Monarch was that of Mohammed Ali Pasha who ruled for 43 years.
Samudraguptawas the longest king, he ruled 45 years.
Ramses II ruled as pharaoh, or king, of ancient Egypt from 1279 to 1213 BC, the second longest reign in Egyptian history. He was the third king of the 19th dynasty, during the New Kingdom.
King Tut
Elizabeth I was the 5th Tudor monarch and she ruled longest. Elizabeth I, who ruled England for 45 years.
Osiris was the god king of the afterlife.
Amun-Re is King of Gods in Egyptian Myth.
Sargon. He was the Fertile Crescent's most powerful king, and ruled the longest.
King Tutankhamun (or Tutankhamen) was an Egyptian pharaoh who ruled from about 1333 to 1323 BC.
King Louis XIV ruled France as an absolute monarch. He ruled for a little over 72 years and is the countries longest ruling King.
No he ruled from the city of Meroe
King Ramses II and King Ramses III