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Doug DeCinces, 8/3/82 & 8/8/82

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Q: Which Angel once hit 3 home runs in a game twice in the same week?
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How many times the word angel appear in king James version?

In the King James version the word - angel - appears 201 times the word - angel's - appears twice the word - angels - appears 93 times the word - angels' - appears once the word - archangel - appears twice

When has a football team kicked off twice?

When they only scored once in a game.

Can a game be in a contest twice on sploder?

yes but it cant be entered if it has won the contest once cos it cant win a contest twice

Can you use the same home pregnancy test twice?

Nope. They only work once.

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fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.

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Once or twice by Annie crummer

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Complete the game twice, once using anything, once using the grenade launcher & melee only.

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Each team plays each other twice once at home and once away, for a total of 38 games

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When the bottles are moving around, don't do anything. Once they have come to a stop, you tap them rapidly once or twice.

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Yes they can still get the gold, but they only have to win the next game once not twice.

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it means your trying to play the game twice or theres a minor bug and you have to restart steam

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