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Q: Which 2007 Super Bowl performer released Planet Earth on July 24 2007?
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Related questions

What type of planet is a super Earth?

A super Earth planet is an extasolar planet. This means the mass is more than the Earths but less than the smaller planets. Another term for it is gas dwarf.

To Which star is super earth orbiting?

There is no single planet called "Super Earth." Rather it is is a new class of planet; similar to Earth in structure and composition, but larger. A number of super Earth planets have been discovered orbiting other stars. Note that such planets to not necessarily have surface conditions like those on Earth, but simply have rocky surfaces.

What is that game called when your playing as planet earth and you get bigger?

super Mario bros.

From which planet super man comes from?

The fictional character Superman was born on planet Krypton and was sent to Earth as a baby just before the planet was destroyed.

How did super earth get its names?

Super Earth is not a specific name for one other planet. It is a general category of planets that are bigger then the Earth but not big enough to fit into the category of Gas giant. The average size of a "super Earth" is between 1 and 10 earth masses.

What did Superman do as a super hero?

Fight crime, save people, and protect planet Earth.

Can you live on a super-earth planet?

It is currently unknown if humans can live on a super-earth planet as it would depend on various factors such as atmosphere composition, gravity, temperature, and presence of water. More research and exploration of super-earth exoplanets are needed to determine their habitability for humans.

Who is the performer for this years Super Bowl?

The Who !!!!!!!!!!! (fantastic)

Who was the first individual performer to have sung the national anthem at Super Bowl?

Anita Bryant was the first performer to sing the National Anthem at a Super Bowl, which was Super Bowl III in 1969.

Is there life anywhere but earth?

In the Solar System scientist found a new planet right now they have nicknamed it to Super Earth. They found water, plants, and another sun. They have a filling that there is life on that planet.

What planet does master chief come from?

He comes from Earth and he is a person that's human, not alien or ghost, but a super soldier.

Who is the singer in the 2007 Super Bowl?

The halftime performer was Prince.