If you wanted to buy a calf sleeve in general, than look through your local sporting store. If you specifically wanted to buy T-Mac's calf sleeve, as in one he wore in a game, than look on ebay.
A calf that was sold or bought.
You can buy it from Amazon.
What? So a website, where you would buy a record sleeve, and if you put it in front of you it looks like a part of you? I don't get it :S
you can buy it on eBay
It is a Nike Elite Shooter Sleeve buy it on eBay it has everything
why would you even want to wear that...
Discover the best and affordable Nba shooting sleeve at Jump USA.
The U.S.
www.customsportssleeves.com Custom Sports Sleeves
at sports authority there $14.99
You cannot buy over the counter medicine for gastric sleeve bypass, I am afraid. However, you can get a prescription from your local doctor's office facility.