You have to be a true vampire to do this. First the lord of all vampire makes you have some tests done to show your a real vampire and when the results are positive he chips your computer so you can access the vorld vibe veb.
im surprised but i have done some reaserch and there is infact a website called
The Vold Vide VEB. another this is that Serena Star and Wake Up America are also real. in the VVV i saw the user.Ivy Vegas aswel . im surprised they would put real information in a kids story series wich is why im going to do more investigating.
Vampires do exist. You do not need to have a special chip to acess vorld vide veb you just have to be a vampire, like me.
go to bed
The VVV (Vorld vide veb)
Yes! The Vorld Vibe Veb is from the My Sister The Vampire series.
with a few mouse clicks :)
VEB Polytechnik was created in 1870.
VEB Typoart was created in 1946.
what is a verb
it is a veb everybody
Joe Vide was born on 1984-05-16.
Vide (meaning empty) is pronounced veed' in French.
You can use "vide" in a sentence by incorporating it as part of a phrase or sentence to describe something that is empty, void, or devoid of content. For example, "The room was completely vide of any furniture" or "She stared into the vide space with a sense of longing."