First in the "sweet spot" where you should be hitting the ball with your stick consistently, near the toe. This is usually where you will see the most wear on your stick. Also I use electric tape to tape mine on the top and bottom of the grip, to prevent tearing and give the grip a longer life.
you can write your name on or tape it one
Sports tape for field hockey is generally used to cover up scratch marks, which develop over playing. After you get multiple scratch marks in one place, and look like they can be threatening the usage of your field hockey stick, use the tape then. You can also use it to keep the binding around the top of your field hockey stick from falling off.
Regulations say you must tape the stick blade at least the width of the puck. and you should tape the butt end of the stick to have better grip.
I hope you mean on a lacrosse stick. Electrical tape would not make a very good stick of any kind, lacrosse or otherwise.That said... not especially, no. Electrical tape isn't really designed for that purpose, and the adhesive on most kinds doesn't work all that well on something that's handled frequently, particularly the plastic sorts (the cloth ones might work slightly better). It's likely to peel and/or get "gummy" after a while.
Yes, Tacki-mac produces a rubber sleeve called a Command Grip that can be used for the upper shaft of your stick instead of hockey tape. They also produce a product called Attack Pad which replaces hockey tape for the blade of your stick.
Black tape woks better because it hides the puck from the goalie better than white tape.
Well personally I've seen people tape there sticks for inline hockey< but i think it slows you down. however it keeps your stick from wearing down so it lasts longer
Yes, if you tape it back together.
To hide the puck, you can use black tape on the blade.
Most likely from hacking. Hacking is when you "hack" your stick into someone else's stick or they "hack" you. The best way to help prevent this is to put a special tape around the hook of the stick to prevent damage.
Make a knob of balled up tape at the top and wrap the tape around the blade of the stick continuously til the blade is covered to your liking.
athletic tape