It is commonly known as a basketball backboard.
It helps with shooting because if you shoot and hit one of the top corners its supose to go in EVERY time
Box Square area painted or taped above the rim on the backboard.
5,000,000,001 miles
A backboard is a flat vertical surface used in basketball to which the basket is attached, or a wall in the game of tennis, often used for practice, where balls can be hit at a flat surface in order to practise hitting.
A professional basketball backboard has a square known as a shooter's square just above the rim. This square is 24 inches wide and 18 inches tall.
The outside measurement of the painted square on a regulation Size Basketball goal is 24"wide by 18" tall
square up, find an open area , focus, and aim for the backboard or the back of the rim
how do we find out the size of the markings of the inner square on the backboard
Shooting in basketball requires your form to be correct, Put the ball in your shooting hand make sure your body is square to the basket, and put your feet shoulder width apart, and also put your elbow in towards your body.Throwing the ball at the opponents net
The day i was born.
If you throw it in the square on the backboard correctly. it will most likely go in. :D