you use your forehead to hit the ball pulling yourself through the ball with your body
everyone has this.
No, I have never experienced a goldfish bump on my head.
take a shower head and put it on jet speed and put it right on the bump on her pritave
A bump is better if it forms a "hill" rather than a "valley" The Valley may be a skull fracture and more serious than just a bump. See the doctor right now for a possible fracture.
No butter does not cure a bump on the head, but try spreading it on your toast it tastes great.
what does it mean if you have a bump on your head
Hurt as in Headache or Pain as in a bump? The stems on glasses can cause a headache if pressing too tight on top of the ear, if you just rec'd a new pair of rx glasses that can cause it also. Did you bump your head and maybe forget about it, sometimes a small bump matters.
Bumping of the head could mean your cat isn't seeing right or could be a sign of illness, I would get a vet to look at him/her
If your child hit their head that hard, you should take them to the doctor right away.
"My head is on my shoulders" means they are thinking right, they have their head in the right place.
If there is no bump, it is probably just an infection of the hair follicle. An infection or disturbance in the hair follicle can cause pain and discomfort in the area and when you move that piece of hair.
A bump on your fish's head could be caused by various factors such as injury, infection, or a tumor. It is important to monitor the bump and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.