

Where is the giants causway?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Where is the giants causway?
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There are around 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, or pillars, at the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.

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Try downtown Boston around Causway st. I hear theres a Hockey Rink there that they hang out at I figure they will be there until early June this year.

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Depends, a ride from Johor Bahru to Singapore,normally takes an hour (depends on traffic condition at the Malaysia-Singapore causway). From Kuala Lumpur, will take around 4 hours

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You can pick them up, you can get them when you kill giants such as: Hill giants. Fire giants, Ice giants or Moss giants.

Are there golden eagles in Nova Scotia Canada?

Yes. There are plenty of goldens in Nova Scotia. A great place to view them is near open water in the winter time. The Pictou Causway has numerous Goldens in the winter, many more than bald eagles. Caribou Island in Pictou county is a great place to spot them in summer. I took some beautiful shots of them feeding on a deer on the beach last summer. I was down to the causway with my spotting scope today, but only saw two goldens, and one bald. I did some shots of two huge seals sunbathing though.

Jets or giants?

Giants. Jets are cool to but I just like the giants better.