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That would be an opinion not a fact

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Q: Where is the best location to shoot a 3 point shot?
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For point and shoot cameras, the Sony DSCS75 Cyber-shot gets the best reviews. The DSCP8 Cyber-shot and DSCP2 Cyber-shot also get good scores from users.

How do you shoot a three-point shot?

bend yoour knees

Did Robert parish shoot a three point shot?


What is the best size shot to shoot from your 12 gauge 28barrel single shot?

#4 buck shot

In NBA if you shoot a FT and miss but your teamate just taps it to help it go in does that count as a 1 or 2 point shot?

In NBA if you shoot a FT and miss and your teammate taps it in it will count as a two point shot.

Where is the best place to shoot a sunk?

Always go for the head shot....

When was Shoot Your Shot created?

Shoot Your Shot was created in 1983.

Where is the best spot to shoot a squell with a pellet gun?

Head or Heart shot

How many movies are shot in order?

Hardly any. Shooting in order is impractical and unnecessary. Most movies are shot so they are in a convenient location to shoot the next part.

What are some phrases with the word shot or shoot in them?

Shoot your mouth off, shoot the breeze, let's shoot pool, the star just shot by me, and "Don't shoot!" are just a few common phrases containing the words 'shoot' and 'shot'.

What is a made shot behind the three point arc in basketball?

No matter where you shoot from, after the three point arc it just counts as a three pointer.

How do you shoot clays?

aim and fire Another answer: You do not aim a shotgun, you point a shotgun. You shoot where the target will be when the shot gets there, not where the target is when you pull the trigger. That is called "windage."