Broncos get the most crowd on average each week so Broncos.
Dragons in my state of mind, dragons have the most membership on fans, most merchindise sold are dragons jerserys
Australian Rugby League is most likely to be more popular because soccer is the main sport of england.
Rugby League is very popular in Australia, drawing huge attendances for games, however, world wide Rugy Union is generally the preffered sport.
Rugby League sits second, AFL is first, and cricket is third.
South Africa, rarely play Rugby League because soccer and union are very popular over there, but Rugby League is increasing with the fans.
rugby league
Rugby League
aussie rules rugby league rugby union cricket
Mostly Cricket and Rugby League.
Rugby league
Rugby League is played in 34 countries and is most popular in the United Kingdom, Australia, Papua New Guinea and France.
Football meaning AFL or Soccer? Rugby League is more popular than soccer in Sydney also as well as AFL. Whole of Australia, AFL is most popular sport, and Rugby League is second and soccer is 4th just after cricket.
The most popular is mostly rugby league but there is also union,AFL,soccer,swimming and many more The most popular is mostly rugby league but there is also union,AFL,soccer,swimming and many more