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it would take place at the line of scrimmage and the team that is not guilts of offsides will get the option to accept or decline the penalty, if declined, the play stands as called, if accepted, the play would be redone 5 yards deeper

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Q: Where is an offside penalty assessed on a punt return before the ball is snapped?
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If an offensive player moves before the ball is snapped what penalty is called?

It's called a false start.

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There isn't a penalty called a fall start, but there is one called a false start. A false start is when someone on the offense who is already set prematurely moves before the ball is snapped and the play has begun.

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IF the defender is in the neutral zone or past it when the ball is snapped, its an offside. But the foul is announced after the completion of the play to allow the Offence to keep any yardage gained if they so deserve. If they choose to accept the foul, then 5 yards penalty is assessed against the defense. Check out :

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No, because an illegal shift doesn't happen until the ball is snapped. If every player is shifting, it is legal as long as they pause 2 seconds for high school, 1 second for NCAA/NFL before the snap. So it is a live ball penalty.

How does a penalty affect first and goal?

If the penalty is assessed against the defense, the ball will be moved that number of yards toward the goal, or half the distance to the goal, whichever is less. the same applies in the opposite direction, except that it's highly unlikely that half the distance to the goal behind you will ever be less than the penalty yardage unless there are a lot of consecutive penalties on first down or the QB is an idiot and runs the wrong way before getting penalized. In any case, a dead-ball foul will cause first-down to be replayed with the modified yardage to go (usually 5 or 15, but depends on the penalty assessed).

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If defense commits pass interfernce in endzone but catch is compleated and penalty is declined but later reversed on challange can the penalty be reassisted?

The challenge comes before any penalty is assessed. That is due to the fact that, in your question, the offense would not know whether to accept the penalty if they don't know what the outcome of the play is. So what would happen would be A) the referee will accept the other team's challenge, B) make a ruling to the final outcome of the play after looking at the replay (completed or incompleted pass), and then the offense will decide whether or not to accept the penalty.

Does the offense get a first down on an offsides penalty in football?

When the defensive player moves over the line of scrimage and touches an offensive player before the ball is hiked. It's when a defensive player moves over the line of scrimage before the ball is snapped. If he touches an offensive player it's known as encroachment.

What is the invisible line called in football?

The "invisible" line in football is the Line of Scrimmage.The Line of Scrimmage is the line that divided the offense from the defense, which is located at the tip of the football after it has been placed on the ground, also known as spotting the ball, by the referee. The line extends from sideline to sideline. Players cannot cross the line of scrimmage until the next play begins, and if they do a penalty can be called.If the offense crosses the line of Scrimmage before the ball is snapped, the following penalties can be called:Offsides: 5 yard penalty - This penalty is almost exclusively called on the defense because if an offensive player moves across the line of scrimmage, that player is typically charged with a False Start penalty.If the Defense crosses the line of Scrimmage before the ball is snapped, the following penalties can be called:Neutral Zone Infraction: 5 Yard penaltyEncroachment: 5 yard penaltyOffsides: 5 yard penalty

What is off sides NHL?

offside occurs when a player of a team crosses his opponent's blue line before the puck does