Between 200 and 800 lei which means between 50 Euros and 200 Euros,depending of budget.
20 Euros is 20 Euros. It can be spent anywhere in the 2 countries which use the Euro. If you want to know how much this is in another currency, you will have to say which currency.
As of 2011 the defense budget was 305.8 Euros or 10.8% of the overall budget.
$3 trillion in US. $2 trillion in Euros.
The Way I Spent the End of the World was created in 2006.
3,295,346 euros
Euros and Kawati Dinar
The duration of The Way I Spent the End of the World is 1.83 hours.
If a bottle of wine costs 10 Euros then 4 bottles of that wine will cost 4 time 10 = 40 Euros. That is very real world to me!
Euros are euros.
20 percent off 3800 Euros = Euros 3040= Euros 3800 - (0.20 * Euros 3800) = Euros 3800 - Euros 760 = Euros 3040
euros, pounds, and dollars