It goes straight down the back of the pants and the top of the pad sits directly on top of the bottom to the spine.
yeah its for your bodies protection
plastic that is covered
The football girdle is for the hip pads & tail bone pad. It has pockets inside them for these pads. It looks like compression shorts.
Triple double D
sam carnivale made the shoulder pad in the year 1802
Just to say "go on" or as congratulations, it's a bit gay though.
Sweetheart, you're not bleeding out of your butt. The blood is dripping down to your butt. Put a second pad on the back if your underwear or use a tampon.
have 97' with seat heaters when they go out just carry a heating pad with you you'll have better luck. Other wise " no hot butt"
Yes that would be possible to do - bounce the football onto a piezoelectric pad.
The girdle goes on first as it will usually have the hip and butt pads. The tights go on the outside because they're longer and have more exterior padding.
first get you new stock the take the butt pad off of both the new stock and the old there is a bolt inside thread it out and put the new stock on and put the bolt back on then replace the butt pad