Cuauhtemoc Blanco
Cuauhtemoc Blanco started his soccer career in 1992 with Club America, a Mexican football club. He currently plays for Puebla.
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His salary from 2009 to 2010 is $2.6 million.
He's just Cuauhtemoc =D!
Cuauhtemoc Blanco he's a Mexican Football Legend. Famous for his Rabbit Hop.
Mexican professional footballer Cuauhtemoc Blanco currently plays in the Mexican Liga de Scenso for football team Dorados de Sinaloa. His position on the pitch varies from attacking midfielder to forward.
Cuauhtemoc was the Aztec ruler from 1520 to 1521.
Oscar PEREZ Francisco RODRIGUEZ Giovani DOS SANTOS Carlos VELA Guillermo FRANCO Rafael MARQUEZ Andres GUARDADO Cuauhtemoc BLANCO
cuauhtemoc durango
Jodee Blanco was born and raised in the Chicago area of Illinois, United States.
The Aztecs