Clodagh Rodgers was born on March 5, 1947.
Clodagh Rodgers was born on March 5, 1947.
Clodagh Rodgers is 64 years old (birthdate: March 5, 1947).
I believe Clodagh has retired now and no longer performs but I may be wrong and would love to see her back performing and recording again as she is so talented!
clodagh isn't a French word.
That does not look like anything in Pig Latin. There is a River Clodagh in Ireland, and there are women with the given name Clodagh.
Clodagh Simonds was born on 1953-05-16.
There is no recognized Saint Clodagh in the Catholic Church. The name Clodagh originates from Irish Gaelic and is not commonly associated with a saint.
The name Clodagh means "lake" in Irish Gaelic. It is a traditional name in Ireland and is often associated with the Clodagh River in County Tipperary.
Live in Glasgow - Paul Rodgers album - was created on 2006-10-13.
No, he does not.
Vancouver Canada