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Q: Where does a professional baseball player spend most of his working hours?
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How many hours do professional baseball games last?

About 3-4 hours and in extra innings even more.

How many hours should a professional karate soccer player train?

Anywhere from 6 to 14 hours per day, depending on stamina.

What are the working conditions of a pro soccer player?

The working conditions of a basketball player is to practice everyday and put your best into all the practices and games you play. It also means to get a regular exercise and eat healthy and don't smoke.

How many hours does a pro baseball player work?

A professional baseball player usually arrives to the ballpark 4-6 hours ahead of game time on a gameday. The game usually lasts about 2 1/2 to 3 hours and then they usually don't leave the ballpark until about 1 1/2 hours after the game is over. This adds up to about 10 1/2 hours

How much time is a baseball player at the stadium on gameday?

3 million hours

Major League Baseball bat boy regulations?

I believe you have to be fourteen or older, be fit, have lake working hours.

How may days per week and hours does baseball require?

It depends upon the level. It would be about 3 hours per day, 5 days a week for high school baseball. For college baseball, figure about 20 hours per week. For professional baseball, figure at least 40 hours per week during the season for travel time, workouts, batting practice, and game time.

How many weekdays in a year does it take to do 568 hours?

Divide the 568 by 24, or (if you are considering working hours) by 7, or 8, or whatever the average number of working hours per working day.Divide the 568 by 24, or (if you are considering working hours) by 7, or 8, or whatever the average number of working hours per working day.Divide the 568 by 24, or (if you are considering working hours) by 7, or 8, or whatever the average number of working hours per working day.Divide the 568 by 24, or (if you are considering working hours) by 7, or 8, or whatever the average number of working hours per working day.

How early should you arrive before a professional baseball game?

If you want to see batting practice, about 3 hours. If you want to go to just see the game, then probably 2 hours.