Pavel Bure's birth name is Pavel Vladimirovich Bure.
Pavel Bure was born on March 31, 1971.
Pavel Bure goes by The Russian Rocket, and Pasha.
Pavel Bure is 46 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1971).
Pavel Vladimirovich Bure (Russian: Павел Владимирович Буре; born on March 31, 1971 in Moscow, USSR)
2005 in the NHL, he's in the International hall of hockey fame.
Pavel Bure in 1992
Pavel Bure is a famous Russian Ice Hockey player. He won a silver and a bronze metal in the Olympic Games. He is a professional ice hockey player, playing on Russian teams.
Pavel Barshak is 187 cm.
You will have to pay someone to take that off your hands