NHL player Marian Hossa is 6'-01''.
Marian Hossa plays for the Chicago Blackhawks.
NHL player Marian Hossa weighs 210 pounds.
Marian Hossa is number 81 on the Chicago Blackhawks.
Marian Hossa plays right wing for the Chicago Blackhawks.
NHL player Marian Hossa shoots left.
The 34 year old Slovak professional hockey player, Marian Hossa became the 85th player in the NHL to score 400 career goals. Marian Hossa currently plays for the Chicago Blackhawks.
Marian Hossa was born in Stara Lubvona, Slovakia. He is 30 years old now. I know this because I am his BIGGEST FAN!!!
Hossa uses a Mission stick painted as a Bauer Vapor XXXX
He has scored 8.
As of 2017, three.