That is private information. Terrorism could be involved by giving out an address of a famous player, especially from Philadelphia. Somebody from NYC might get drunk and do something unbearable.
Chase Utley's birth name is Chase Cameron Utley.
Chase Utley is number 26 on the Philadelphia Phillies.
chase utley was born in pasadena California
Chase Utley's dog is named Jack
Chase Utley was born on December 17, 1978.
Chase Utley was born on December 17, 1978.
Chase Utley was raised in Long Beach, CA.
Mr. and Mrs. Utley...
dan and kate utley
MLB player Chase Utley throws right.
MLB player Chase Utley bats left.
Chase Utley is not related to the former football player, Mike Utley. However, it has been reported that Chase Utley is loosely related (I believe it was determined to be 3rd cousins once removed) to the Mike Utley who plays keyboards for the Coral Reefers - the band headlined by Jimmy Buffett.