Helmet on the head. Shoulder pads on your shoulders. These two are easily identified. Hip pads on the hips, you can tell the hip pads by their shape...if you hold them upside down, the flat part down, they usually have a circular portion on top. They will have snaps too, and these snaps attach to the belt. Butt pad goes over the tailbone. It has snaps and attaches to the belt also. Thigh pads go on the FRONT of the thigh. They look like a half pipe with three ribs pointing outward. You put them in pockets inside the pants. Knee pads go on the knees and are shaped like a "bra cup". They are put inside pockets in the pants as well. Mouth pieces are dipped in boiling water for 4-5 seconds until softened then bit down on. Try to create a suction witin the mouth and it will form to the teeth and bite best. Afterwards, dip into cold water to hold form. The long tab on the mouth piece is attached to the helmet's face mask. Don't cut it off unless the league your in allows it...most don't.
The shoulder pads are separate from the players jersey (shirt), but there are inserts in the football pants for most of the lower-body pads, from the waist down.
The exception is the cup, for male genital protection, which has to be inserted in a jock or worn with compression shorts. Professional football players have generally stopped wearing cups but they are often worn by highschool and college players.
Answer by: conundrum@qm.net
The football girdle is for the hip pads & tail bone pad. It has pockets inside them for these pads. It looks like compression shorts.
no, those are go on the thigh and are called thigh boards
they see what kinda of skills they have and determine how good the pads are and go from there
I have read in a book that the first football pads were leather helmets and that was it. No other pads but leather helmets.
NO,because football and vollyball are 2 difrent sports and they have diffrent pads than eachother vollyball has its own pads and football has its own pads. got it? ok
to play American football you need a helmet shoulder pads jock strap football pants with knee pads thigh pads hip pads and a tail pad
For Football and Australian football, you need boots, socks, shorts, shirt, shin pads, gloves for the goalkeeper,soap,shampoo and towel for a shower afterwards. For American Football you need a helmet, shoulder pads, thigh pads, knee pads, hip pads.
Shoulder pads
To prevent any injury that a player could receive if there were no pads. Football is a hard contact sport.
Football Boots, Shin Pads, A few balls, Football pitch etc.
If the football pads are old, they will make a rash on body........
Touch/Flag Football.