Normally on the sides close to the bottom and other times on the bottom of the tank so hydraulic forces do not lift the tank up ALL depends on the situation at hand there is no set of rules as far as I know
If you have a underground seepage problem
The timing is adjusted by the three bolts that holds the injection pump. The holes in the pump are slotted.
some time in the past
A Winchester 12 gauge model 1200 pump shotgun holds 2 in the tube and 1 in the barrel. So it holds 2+1 which makes 3 total.
There are several models that have a pump directly under the barrel but non that I know of have a pump down the barrel. Some of the early Benjamins (1930 to 1940's had a pump directly under the barrel. Models like the 100, 110, 112,117, 122, 130 and 150 (there were several others) Later models had a swinging pump under the barrel.
how do i fix leaking spray pump on a 2 barrel carburetor
There are many places where one can purchase a drill pump. This includes large home improvement stores such as Lowes as well as sites such a Amazon and eBay.
The fuel pump rod hole is 1/2 and the two drain back holes are 3/8. You might have to finish ream the hole and do something to keep the debris out of the engine unless you have the block apart for cleaning.
Easy my friend, You just take the sling swivel off the front with a screwdriver and the pump handle plus a small steel washer just pulls off. Under the barrel is a pipe looking thing with 4 holes in it the handle slides on. Find a punch or screwdriver that fits NEATLY into these holes (a good fit is important or you'll wreck the tube). Poke the screwdriver through two of these holes and use it as a spanner to un-screw it (anti-clockwise of course). The thread is long but once it's out the barrel simply pulls out.
remove alternator and bracket.with a drill bit smaller in size than he the thread on the broken bolt, carefully drill broken part of bolt that is still in engine.then use an" easy out " to remove broken" easy out" can be purchased with the correct size drill bit if you know the bolt size.
to remove pump on 1997 Bonneville, I aligned holes on actual pulley wheel access holes and reversed bolts.........
yes, i have done it use the flange from a skidoo and drill the bolt holes out you will need a new throtle cable to match the carb and then just play with the jetting to get it to run right you might need a fuel pump as well the stock carb had a integrated pump that was junk