volley ball players play mostly in the summer time so it won't be to cold to play the game in your swim suit
Normally, there are two players in a game of beach volleyball.
Well if you are talking about playing,, then 6 players play on the court at one time
On a normal volleyball court: 6 players beach volleyball: 2 players
One famous beach volleyball player is Misty May Treanor. Also Kerri Welsh is a famous beach volleyball player. Holly McPeak is a famous beach volleyball player. Add on if you know any more beach volleyball players!
The difference between beach volleyball and sitting volleyball is that on the beach you do not sit to play volleyball where as obviously in sitting volleyball you would. Also I believe that usually disabled people play sitting volleyball. But I am quite sure that sitting volleyball could be played at the beach.
beach volleyball is a game you play at the beach with friends or family. beach volleyball ball is a soft ball you play with.
It depends if we are talking about Indoor Volleyball or Beach Volleyball. Indoor/ court Volleyball: 6 players each side Beach Volleyball: 2 players per team/ sode
There is no 10ft line in beach volleyball, but in indoor it is to ensure that the backrow players are attacking from behind it
volleyball players and people who like volleyball
They could play volleyball at the beach.
in beach volleyball you usually go in pars and olympic volleyball is played in teams of 6
usally 2