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Pretty much anywhere they wish

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Q: Where do lions sleep in the day time?
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What do lions do in the day?

Sleep most of the time.

What do lions do when they have free time?

Sleep. Lions are inactive (resting) for about 20 hours a day.

Do lions sleep?

Indeed lions do sleep..Yes. They are Nocturnal Animals (Sleep during day)

Which animal sleeps all day?

Koalas and sloths sleep most of the time, up to 20 hours a day. Armadillos, possums, hippos, and lions also sleep for many hours a day.

How does a white lion sleep and where does it sleep?

Lions are predators of the Savannah of Africa and normally hunt late in the day or at night. Lions therefore sleep in the shade of acacia trees during the day.

Where to lions sleep?

Lions typically sleep in shady areas, under bushes, or in caves to keep cool during the day. They may also sleep on open grasslands or in tall grass to avoid detection by prey or other predators.

What do lions do at nighttime?

Lions are generally most active at night when they do much of their hunting. They often sleep during the day.

What do lions do in there time other than prey?

Lions would mate or sleep

Do lions sleep during the day or at night?

During the day, interestingly, they don't sleep in the jungle either they sleep in the savannah. Also the word 'after' is a preposition.

When do lions sleep and why?

Lions will sleep most of their lives (day and night) and are mostly only active to hunt prey, procreate, or in the case of males, fight over females. They need to sleep so much due to the exhausting heat that they experience during the day on the plains of Africa and the exertion of hunting. Lions may be active during the day or the night.

Why do lions sleep all day?

lions love to rest in the mornings and evenings because, they get to rest and start their hunting at night.

What does a lion do at night?

Lions do most of their hunting at night and sleep during the day.