The New York City Slang expression, meaning "fastidious man" was coined in 1883 from unknown origin. Dude ranch was first attested 1921, and the surfer slang term (applying to any male) was first recorded around 1970.
what state originated the term dude
a dude is a male charector, seriously, you didn't know that
No, a dude is not a pimple. A dude is a slang term referring to a man or a guy, whereas a pimple is a small inflamed spot on the skin.
They come from Jupiter. Problem, dude?
An elephant's boodie!!!!!!!!
"Dude" is a slang term for a man or a person in general, while "dudette" is a less common term that is the female equivalent of "dude." Both terms are informal and can be used to refer to someone in a casual or friendly manner.
Really Really Dude/dudet Come on.
some funny dude
"Dude" is a noun. It is commonly used informally to refer to a man or a person in a casual or friendly way.
This is so easy! Its functional! dude!
The term greasers come from their greasy hair
It was out ages ago in indev dude