John Heisman was born in Cleveland, Ohio.
John Heisman was born on October 23, 1869.
John Heisman was born on October 23, 1869.
John Heisman had no children with his second wife Maora.
John Heisman died on October 3, 1936 at the age of 66.
John Heisman died on October 3, 1936 at the age of 66.
Wendy's High School Heisman was created in 1994.
Georgia Tech, from middle of the 1914 season to almost the end of the 1918 season, winning the national champioinship in 1917.John Heisman was born October 23, 1869.
John Heisman.
a girl
John Heisman was born on October 23, 1869 and died on October 3, 1936. John Heisman would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 145 years old today.