Andrew Yancey goes by Drew.
Lucas Yancey goes by yMan.
The address of the Yancey County Library is: 321 School Cir, Burnsville, 28714 2933
Tim Yancey's birth name is Timothy Shawn Yancey.
The address of the Avery-Mitchell-Yancey Regional Library Bookmobile is: 289 Burnsville School Rd, Burnsville, 28714 0310
Lewis Yancey died in 1940.
Lewis Yancey was born in 1895.
Joel Yancey was born in 1773.
Joel Yancey died in 1838.
Ericka Yancey was born in 1979.
Bartlett Yancey died in 1828.
Bartlett Yancey was born in 1785.