Theo Epstein's birth name is Theo N. Epstein.
Theo Epstein did play high school baseball. He graduated from Brookline High School in 1991 after playing ball for the Brookline High School Warriors.
Theo Epstein does not drive.
Theo Epstein was born on December 29, 1973.
Theo Epstein was born on December 29, 1973.
Theo Epstein is 37 years old (birthdate: December 29, 1973).
Theo Epstein does not drive.
Theo Epstein was born on December 29, 1973, and will turn 39 years of age in 2010
not that i know ... i played from 85 - 89
The Epstein School was created in 1973.
He began as an intern for the Baltimore Orioles in 1992.