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Rugby League originated in the north of England.

In 1886, the Rugby Football Union introduced strict amateur-only rules to combat the dominance of the game by working class northern clubs.

In 1893, a proposal to pay players six shillings when they missed work due to playing commitments is rejected by the Rugby Union.

In 1895, 21 rugby clubs from Lancashire and Yorkshire meet in Huddersfield and form the breakaway Northern Rugby Football Union.

In 1897, the Northern Union abolishes line-outs and reduces goals to 2 points and tries to 3 points.

In 1906, the number of players is reduced from 15 to 13, rucks and mauls are replaced by play-the-balls and rugby league is created as we know it today.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The game, it is claimed, started when a young student called William Webb Ellis of Rugby School, Warwickshire, England was playing football ( Soccer in the US) in the year 1843. The game was nothing like either rugby of football as we know it today but more like murderball. Ellis was only allowed to kick the ball forward or pick up the ball and whilst remaining still pass to another player. He however decided to run forward with the ball passing as he ran.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The RFU had been formed in 1871 by representatives of 21 clubs - all of which were located in southern England and most were within London. By the early 1890's rugby was widespread and well over half the RFU's clubs were in northern England. The working classes of the north of England and South Wales were particularly taken with rugby over soccer.

As with rugby clubs right across England, the majority of the clubs of the North were created and operated by men of the ruling classes. However, as the majority of the population in Yorkshire and Lancashire was working class, the clubs, teams and crowds quickly displayed a cross-class nature. Hull FC was formed in 1865 by a young gentlemen who had been at Rugby School and immediately took on members who were plumbers and glaziers. An ever rarer example was Leeds Athletic which was started by working men on their own initiative. It began with an advertisement in a local newspaper placed by a rail clerk.

Other clubs had religious affiliations at the start which are now long forgotten, but others such as Wakefield Trinity were marked by this for the rest of their existence. Wakefield was formed in 1873 as a sporting arm of the Holy Trinity Church Young Men's Society.

In Lancashire, rugby was started at Rochdale in 1867 by a magistrate and numerous business owners and self-employed men. Within a year they were all playing alongside new members when working class men were allowed to join as well. This club was the forerunner of the Rochdale Hornets who arrived in 1871 with an open door approach to membership. At Rochdale they were also able to insist on gate money as they played on an enclosed field. This became an increasing tendency in the North. Some clubs though, like Wigan, did not have an enclosed field and had to rely on crowd donations from collection boxes.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It was first started in its basic form in 1823 in Rugby School, Warwickshire England and later formalised in 1837 when the Rugby Football Union was created.

The events of 1823 saw William Webb Ellis a student of Rugby School pick up a football (soccer) during a game (it was allowed in those days) and instead of running back toward his team mates to make a pass he broke the rule and ran toward the opposing goal passing the ball behind him as he went (as we see the game today) The concept caught on in the school, and more students used the carry ball idea. As these people left school and went to University etc the games new carrying concept went with it. Clubs formed in Cambridge and Guys Hospital along with Blackheath. The Football game spread then in 1837 The Football Association was formed and the ball handling rule was scrapped and may an offense. The newly formed clubs broke away from the then Football Association and formed The Rugby Football Union (and its still called that today) The games laws were formalised and the game Rugby spread from the well to do classes of the time to the more working classes. Added to this saw men moving to places like Australia and New Zealand where they took the newly developed game. The armed forces also took to the idea and saw many British personal starting up games across Europe.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The game was originally UNION code. However the clubs in North England Such as Leeds and Hull found that many of its players were leaving the north seeking employment in the south due to the massive unemployment of the time. The Northern clubs put forward a motion to the Union that they be allowed to pay the players gate money to help retain them. The Union were until the 1990s' adamant that the game be armature only. The northern clubs broke away forming the Rugby League Such clubs as Hull Kingston Rovers, Leeds and Wigan all transferred players ove to the new game,changed the format and following that the game took off

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Rugby union is a type of football that originated at Rugby School. This is a school in Rugby, Warwickshire, England.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It originated in 1823 at Rugby School, Warwickshire England. The game was then formalised when the Rugby Football Union was created in 1872

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It originated form 1893 in Rugby Boys School of Rugby Warwickshire England UK

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Rugby originated from soccer (football)

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rugby league by a mile

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What country is rugby orginated to?

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