Lou Gehrig's father Heinrich was a sheet metal worker and his mother Christina was a maid.
Catherine Schamberger Ruth
Catherine Schamberger Ruth
my mom
Everyone has a mother. But if you were asking by wanting to know if he grew up with his mom, then the answer is no, he was in an adoption center.
Babe Ruth is black
George Herman "Babe" Ruth, Jr.
George Herman Ruth.... aka "Babe Ruth" or "The Babe."
"The Babe" Babe Ruth was born George Herman Ruth.
Babe Ruth was a baseball star.
Babe Ruth had 8399 at-bats
Babe Ruth was born George Herman Ruth.
"The Babe" "The Bambino" "The Sultan Of Swat" or Babe Ruth's real name is George Herman Ruth "The Babe" "The Great Babino" "The Sultan of Swat" Babe Ruth's birth name was George Herman Ruth.