The Pittsburgh Steelers had a player named Ainsley Battles that played the safety position on the team in 2000 and 2004. The site would have more information on his playing career statistics.
Former Steeler Jason Capizzi is currently playing for the Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League.
"Bullet" Bill Dudley
Former Steeler Kordell Stewart was nicknamed Slash. He didn't play for Pittsburgh. He played for Chicago. Last name was Perry. I think his first name was William.
There is no player on the Steelers all-time roster named Kaufman.
Frank Collins was a running back; he later joined the minor pro team, "the colts. I believe he has web site.
Gary Anderson is the former kicker for the Pittsburgh Steelers who was born in South Africa. He was born in Parys, South Africa in 1959.
Former Pittsburgh Steeler Quarterback Joe Gilliam has two Super Bowl Rings. Gilliam was part of the 1974 and 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl Championship teams.
The former Pittsburgh Steeler who owned a rib restaurant in Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA was Franco Harris. Harris, a Hall of Fame running back, opened the restaurant called "Franco's Pizzeria and Ribs" in the 1980s. The restaurant was a popular spot for both locals and visitors to enjoy delicious ribs and other menu items.
Last I knew, he was working for Sony in New Stanton. They are closed a couple years ago, so I have lost track of him.
In 2010, former Pittsburgh Steeler and Super Bowl MVP, Santonio Holmes, signed with the New York Jets.
The former Steeler kicker to wear number 1 was Gary Anderson from 1982-1994. Dave Trout also wore number 1 as a place kicker for the Steelers in 1981.
On June 6, 2008, former Steelers defensive end Dwight White died of post-op complications from earlier back surgery.