about the size of a football field.
screen play
Screen Pass
There is not one. It is only on NCAA Football 2007....
propose dance streak costume/paint wave
dance , propose , streak , costume/paint , wave
That pint glass is only there on the screen of public screens, such as in pubs and cafes. This is to show that the particular public place has the licence to show live football as they have to pay higher subscription fees than private owners.
Before tackling this project, you will need a small Phillips screwdriver (#00), plastic opening tools, and a spudger (a tool for prying or prodding a device open), and of course the replacement screen. As a disclaimer, you are doing this at your own risk. Replacing the screen on your own will likely void any warranty you have on your Nexus 7. See Related Links for a teardown on the 2013 Nexus 7.
after you make the transfer there is a button in red on the top left of the team screen