where can i get a magazine for a sears and roebuck j.c. higgins model 46 dl-10319840 22 cal. lever action rifle
Wat is the value of 22 caliber sears and roebuck model 340530430 lever action rifle
We have new 10 round magazines for that rifle. sales@countrygunsmith.net
We have new 10 round magazines for that rifle. sales@countrygunsmith.net
$75-$125, depending on condition.
Try e-gunparts.com
find a collector i sold my sears and roebuck for 750 im sure you can get quite a bit.
A J.C. Higgins Sears Roebuck 16 gauge bolt action shotgun is valued at between $100 and $150 in good condition. A parts gun is worth $30.
I believe that bolt action rifle has a 5 round magazine and a 10 round magazine............................
The latest value provided by Sears Roebuck and Company for the JC Higgins model 33 pump action rifle 22 is about $21. However, this price may fluctuate depending on the location and year of manufacture.Ê