There is no such thing as a "CA" tank.
The distance from San Jose, CA to Roseville, CA is approximately 140 miles.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Roseville, CA is approximately 120 miles.
The Roseville Telephone Museum in Roseville, California is located at 106 Vernon Street. It is situated in the historic district of downtown Roseville, near the intersection of Vernon Street and Lincoln Street. The museum showcases the history of telecommunications in the region, including exhibits on early telephone technology and the development of the local telephone system.
The address of the Roseville Genealogical Society is: 557 Lincoln Street, Roseville, CA 95678-1523
After "Roseville"
The population in roseville, CA., according to the 2010 census is 118,788. The town is expected to see increase growth and be over 133,000 residents by 2015.
The driving distance from Redding, California to Roseville, California is 174 miles.
The address of the Carnegie Museum is: 557 Lincoln St, Roseville, CA 95678
100 miles
775 miles
Because Roseville used to be filled with roses and roses also grew well there. The civic leaders thought the name was better than the original name: Junction.