The Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series is not available for purchase. Disney has also not announced any plans to release it.
You can also run a search for Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series message boards and you will find people who will copy their copies of the show and send it to you. That's how it is done between fans of the show since Disney has not decided to let the show come to DVD at this time.
Type Mighty Ducks Jersey sales into a search engine and several retailers will pop up.
try has a number of sets available ; see relevant link below .
the mighty boosh series 3 will be shown in Australia on Monday the 25th of August at 8:55pm on sbs. so excited! you can buy the series 3 DVD on the 7 August too. love the boosh
You can buy mighty beanz in Faisallia in Toy Town over there there is a toy shop that has mighty beanz.
Buy it
I doubt that you have ever seen anyone plant ducks, or buy duck seed. Ducks are a type of bird- an ANIMAL.
In a shop silly!
Only on the internet