Zappos offers the lowest prices on Red Wing boots if you are shopping online. For retail locations you will have to go to a specialty footwear store or look for their current deals at the company website.
Redwing Boots
Sure you can contact them at the factory in Red Wing Minnesota
Red Wing manufactures two different types of shoes, these are: Heritage Boots and Work Boots. They are made from quality leather that is tanned by their own company. The collections may be found on the Red Wing website.
Work boots for women are available for purchase at Sears, Kmart, Red Wing Shoes and Target. These boots are available online at Tractor Supply, Amazon and Online Boots.
The two top boot manufacturers in the U.S. are Red Wing (originated in Minnesota) and Chippewa (originated in Wisconsin). Check the related link for the Red Wing boots. Check the related link for the Chippewa boots.
Eric Clapton wears Red Wing Boots on the album "From The Cradle" Inside the album artwork it shows pictures of his shoes, also the CD has his shoes on them!
Red Wing Boots like to use the Alphabet to indicate width sizes. The D stands for the most common width, otherwise known as 'regular width' for most other companies.
Nasty Feet boots were made by the Red Wing and Chippewa boot companies for Easy Rider Magazine. Chippewa still makes similar boots in the USA, but Red Wing's classic engineer boots, though still made in the USA, are available only overseas.
Red Wing offers their products on line, or at their own stores in locations around the US.
This one's easy, Red Wing shoes started by Charles Beckman around the turn of the century. Red Wing Shoe company prides itself on supply footwear of all makes that will last a lifetime. Take a look at a pair & you just know. carries the entire line so you can compare makes.
The red Wing shoe store does indeed carry shoes suitable for women. On their website, click on the "Work Boots" or "Heritage Boots" headers. On the left hand side of the page, there is the option to filter the options by gender.