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You can always go to a fast-food place, or check a mall or something. When i was 14 which wasn't so long ago,(almost a year ago) I worked at adventure quest laser tag.It was my first real job and i love it there but then i started to date one of my friends there and we broke up and i quit, so somehting else dot date your friends that work with you!! It sucks. But i am thinking about going get my job back there. Its on the east bank off clearview..Close to the elmwood movies theater, and next to fox and hound.

yayaya wateva i really didnt want to hear about that dhit

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Q: Where can a 15-year-old in New Orleans Louisiana get a job?
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Where can a 15 year old in New Orleans Louisiana get a job?

Go to keymart

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There are many places to find a job in New Orleans. Several of the sites to look on are and is also a popular site that has many job listings in New Orleans.

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Can you get a job at fourteen in the state of Louisiana?

To legally have a job in Louisiana you must be 16.

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Where can a 15 year old find a job in new Orleans la?

You can try laser tag , hot topic.

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He was an apprentice doctor.

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One of the best, most professional carpet cleaners in the New Orleans area is Bane-Clene. They have many well trained and certified workers who could get the job done for you!