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Q: Where are the players in high five netball aloud?
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How many players to make up a netball team?

A maximum of 12 players in a team with 5-7 players on court (a game cannot continue with less than 5 players on court).

Who invented the high five?

The PROFESSINAL baseball players.

Is there a timekeeper in netball?

no but there is a time keeper in high five netball which is played in primary schools!

What size ball is used in netball?

a size 4 ball is used for high 5 netball (which is what younger players play) and a size 5 ball is what is used in 7s netball which is what adults play x

How long are netball posts?

the netball posts are 10ft high

What is high five netball?

High 5 netball is basic netball without wing attack or wing defense. goal shooter and goal attack can go in the center and the third they are shooting in, the same with goal defense and goal keeper can go in the center and the third of the opposite team that is shooting. Center is exactly the same as usual.

How high is a netball ring EXACTLY?

it is approximatly 305cm high

How tall is a under 10s netball post?

The netball goalposts are 3.05metres high for 10's.

How tall is a netball net?

I think you mean post if so the official size is 10 feet ( 3.05 metres)

When in history was the first high five recorded?

There are two conflicting stories as to the first recorded high five. The first claims that it was first performed by two Los Angeles baseball players in 1977. The second is between two Louisville college basketball players in 1978.

How many high school football players are aloud on a team?

In Canadian football, while only 12* players are playing on the field at once, teams need more than just 12* players. They must have an offensive and defensive team. Most high school football teams have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string players, so thirty to forty players is a reasonable number. * only 11 in American football

What type of sport is netball?

Netball is a sport which consists of high levels of agility, endurance and speed, and moderate levels of strength and flexibility. Netball training incorporates mainly running and agility.