

Where are the osteoclasts found?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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Osteoblasts are most common in the same places you would find an abundance of osteoblasts. This is most often at sites of new bone growth.

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They are found in the bone matrix

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Q: Where are the osteoclasts found?
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What type of cell breaks down bone tissue?

Osteoclasts are the cells responsible for breaking down bone tissue in a process known as bone resorption. They secrete acid and enzymes that degrade the bone matrix, allowing for the remodelling and repair of bones.

What are osteoblasts and where are they found?

Osteoblasts are needed to create bone. Osteoclasts destroy bone.

Which of the following characteristics applies to the cells known as osteoclasts?

Osteoclasts are large, multinucleated cells found in bone tissue. They are responsible for the breakdown and resorption of bone by secreting enzymes and acids that dissolve the mineralized matrix of bone. Osteoclasts are derived from the fusion of monocytes/macrophages and are involved in bone remodeling and repair.

Osteoclasts in bone tissue have what effect?

Osteoclasts cut away the calcium from the bones.

Large multinucleated cells that can dissolve the bony matrix are called?

Osteoclasts are large multinucleated cells that can dissolve the bony matrix by secreting acids and enzymes. They play a key role in bone remodeling and resorption.

The remodeling of bone is a function of which cells?

Bone remodeling is primarily carried out by two types of cells: osteoblasts, which build new bone tissue, and osteoclasts, which break down old or damaged bone tissue. These cells work in a coordinated manner to maintain the balance between bone formation and resorption in order to keep the skeletal system healthy and strong.

What does Osteoclasts do?

Osteoclasts degrade bone surfaces so that osteoblasts can produce new bone Also Osteoclasts realese calcium and phosphorus into the blood stream

What cells are found in small depressions on the endosteal surfaces?

The cells are the osteoclasts, and the name of the shallow depression is the osteoclastic crypt.

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Are osteoblasts and osteoclasts found in the dermis?

The dermis means "skin". These cells are bone building (osteoblasts) and bone breaking down (osteclasts) and would not be found in the skin but in bone tissue.