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Q: Where are the Devils hocky team located?
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Who is the best hocky team?

Red Wings

How many members in a hocky team?

A field hockey team consists of 11 members

What is Justin biebers favorite hocky team?

The Toronto Maple Leafs

In which town or city are the New Jersey Devils based?

The team New Jersey Devils are a professional hockey team that are located and based in the city of Newark, New Jersey. The team was founded in Kansas city and then moved to Denver, Colorado before settling in New Jersey in 1982.

How many members in hocky team?

At least 11 because that is how many play at once.

Where Tasmanian devils located?

Tasmanian devils are located on the Australian island state of Tasmania.

What is the official twitter account for Cadiff Devils hockey team?

The official twitter account for Cardiff Devils hockey team is Cardiff Devils at cardevils. This team has 5636 tweets, 10543 followings and 16646 followers.

What is the farm team for the New Jersey Devils?

They actually have 2 The Trenton Devils (ECHL) The Lowell Devils (AHL)

When was the Red Devils founded?

The Red Devils team were founded in the year 1895.

What state does the hocky team Montreal candians come from?

If by state you mean province they would be from Quebec

Where is devils gate located?

Devils gate is located in Wyoming a few mile southwest of Independence Rock.

Which team is located in the northeasten part of the state?

The New Jersey Devils are a professional ice hockey team that competes in the National Hockey League. The team is based in the northeastern part of New Jersey in Newark.