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A Netball club is a group of people in all different ages who make up different teams and have competitions.

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Q: Where are netball clubs?
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Related questions

What got you into netball?

my very encoraging teacher and going to 2 netball clubs !! netballs a great sport!

Who funds netball?

clubs sometimes have funding from the lottery, but the AENA do too i think (all England netball association)

Where do you goto too find netball teams that recruit netball players?

go down or call your local courts or netball center and they will give you a list of clubs where you can go and join at the start of the netball season. hope that helps

10 sporting clubs in svg topics are netball soccer basketball and cricket?

THE EX-Ceed sports club includes only netball and athlectics

What are the three netball clubs in this area?

well before your questions answered it might help to state which area you are looking in

What is in a netball uniform?

in netball uniform there is a plaited skirt and a singlet or a top ( it is mostly preferably if you were your clubs uniform) . you were runners with a good bounce and good socks it is your decision if you want it to be knee high or anklet.

My daughter is 4 and s she ready to be taught how to play netball?

let her play there are plenty of NETA clubs for younger girls

What age can you start netball?

From the very young age of 5 for some clubs or older. You can play at any age. :D

Is Netball A Unisex Sport?

At most netball clubs, netball is unisex for the younger kids, but once it gets to (usually) under 13s and higher, guys need to join either open teams, which are guys and girls, all ages playing together, or find an all male club or team.

What sport has the most clubs in Australia?

There are numerous popular sports in Australia. Cricket, Soccer, AFL, Touch, Netball, Basketball - they are probably equal in popularity. There is no known website that lists all the clubs for all the sports.

What is the venue for netball?

you play netball on a netball court :)

Can you get a website with Netball?

You can go onto netball websites like netball Australia and district netball, too.