325 Tickets sold to adults 400 tickets sold to students
{| |- | Buying tickets online is the best way to get tickets for NFL
Your question lacks the info necessary to answer it.How many tickets were sold in total?What percentage of either student or adult tickets sales were sold?Your question cannot be answered as written.
About 77 million tickets were sold.
ChooseSeats.com, stubhub or eBay usually have a good selection of tickets for NFL games.
153 tickets total
The duration of Sunday NFL Countdown is 3 hours.
The duration of Fox NFL Sunday is 3600.0 seconds.
there is around 12500 tickets sold in the u.k
237/3= 79 so 79 goes into 237 3 times which means if we add 79 together we would get the number of kids tickets sold and the remaining 79 would be adult tickets sold 79+79=158 158 kids tickets were sold 79 adult tickets were sold
45 to 36 is it asking for a ratio?
6 tickets sold in 1 minute.And we need to know how many sold after an hour.this is quite simple actually.6 tickets are sold per minute. multiply that in a fraction form with 60 minutes (1 hour)and u get 360 tickets sold in exactly 1 hour.