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The ball was invented in Egypt and South America.

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Q: Where and when was the baseball ball invented?
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When was the baseball ball created?

Baseball was invented in America in 1845.

What year was baseball invinted?

base ball was invented in IDK

What sport invollving a bat and ball was invented in the UK?


Who invented the knuckle ball?

Doubtlessly some baseball pitcher.

Who invented the core inside the baseball?

the person who invented the core inside the baseball that makes the ball go fast was Frank C. Cerrone.

What did people call softball when was it first invented?

When softball was first invented people called it lemon ball, diamond ball, super slow pitch, cabbage ball, indoor baseball, mush ball, playground ball, kitten ball and because it was also played by women ladies' baseball. The name softball was given to the game in 1926.

Were would i find who invented the baseball?

Thought it was once believed that Abner Doubleday invented baseball, that theory has been all but dismissed. It is more likely that baseball formed as a variation of cricket and other bat-and-ball sports.

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Who started base ball?

It is believed that Abner Doubleday invented baseball, but that story is become doubted and Alexander Cartwright is now credited with inventing baseball.

Where was it invented and in what yearwho invented it basketball?

Basket ball was invented by James Naismith. Basket ball was invented by James Naismith.

Who invented tetherball?

who invented the tether ball you ask? The person who invented the tether ball is named Timothy O'Brien.