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Q: When you put ice in a bowl with black paper under the bowl and ice in a bowl with white paper under it what happens?
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If pieces of black paper and white paper are laid on snow in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up, causing the snow underneath to melt faster than the white paper. This will create a contrast where the snow under the black paper melts more quickly than under the white paper, showcasing the different heat absorption properties of the two colors.

Why does white paper glow under a black light?

White paper appears to glow under a black light because the phosphors in the paper fluoresce when exposed to the ultraviolet light emitted by the black light. This causes the paper to emit visible light, creating the glowing effect.

What happens as white light hits black ink on a piece of white paper?

The black ink absorbs most of the white light, reflecting very little back to our eyes. This absorption is what makes the ink appear black. The white paper reflects all colors of the white light, creating the contrast between the black ink and the paper.

If you place two cans of water under a lamp for 10 minutes one covered with white paper and the other with black paper which one will heat up fastest?

The can covered with black paper will heat up faster than the one covered with white paper. This is because black paper absorbs more light and heat energy compared to white paper, which reflects light.

How does color of paper white or black affect temperature?

White paper reflects more sunlight and heat compared to black paper, which absorbs more sunlight and heat. Therefore, black paper tends to get hotter faster and reach higher temperatures than white paper when exposed to sunlight.

How electrical energy is converted into heat energy?

Do a experiment on how black and white paper have different warmth under a light.

How is heat energy converted into electrical energy?

Do a experiment on how black and white paper have different warmth under a light.

What color will paper appear to be under a red light?

Paper will appear to be black under a red light because red light has a long wavelength and is less likely to reflect off the white surface of paper.

What happens if you put a white piece of paper under a green light?

The white paper will appear to be a pale green color under the green light due to color mixing. This is because the white paper reflects all colors of light, but only green light is present to be reflected back to our eyes.

If pieces of black paperand white paper are laid in sunshine what is likely to happen?

The black paper will absorb more sunlight and heat up faster than the white paper, as black absorbs more light and heat. This will cause the black paper to heat up more quickly than the white paper.

What happens when you look at a colored paper and then look at a white sheet of paper?

they both look white

Why does white paper burn faster than black?

White paper burns faster than black paper because white paper reflects more light and heat energy, resulting in quicker ignition. Black paper absorbs more light and heat energy, which slows down the burning process.