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Q: When you breathe on mirror water droplets form this is an example of?
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Does breathing on a mirror shows that gases condense?

Yes, when you breathe on a mirror, the warm water vapor in your breath condenses on the cooler mirror surface, causing it to fog up. This is an example of condensation where a gas (water vapor) turns into a liquid (water droplets) upon contact with a cooler surface.

When you breathe on a mirror why does it steam up?

When you breathe on a mirror, the warm air that you exhale is rapidly cooled upon contact with the cooler surface of the mirror. This rapid cooling causes the water vapor in your breath to condense into tiny water droplets, which you see as fogging or steaming up on the mirror.

When you breathe onto a mirror why does it steam up?

When you breathe onto a mirror, the warm, moist air from your breath is condensed into water droplets when it comes into contact with the cooler surface of the mirror. This condensation forms because the mirror is cooler than the temperature of your breath, causing the water vapor to transition from a gas to a liquid state.

Why there is water droplets forming on mirror when blown?

The hot heat from the hot water turns evaporates. Once it reaches or touches a cool surface (mirror), the heat would condense and turn into water droplets. Therefore, water droplets are found in the mirror when you bath.

Why does breathing on the surface of cool mirror cause it to look foggy?

When you breathe on a cool mirror, the warm air you exhale contains water vapor. As the warm air hits the cool surface of the mirror, it cools down and loses its ability to hold onto the water vapor. The water vapor then condenses on the mirror's surface, creating tiny water droplets that appear as fog.

When you breathe onto cold window and water droplets appear it is an example of?

condensation. The warm moist air from your breath cools upon contact with the cold window, causing the water vapor to condense into tiny droplets on the surface.

What leaves the body when you exhale which is why mirrors get foggy when you breathe on them?

The warm, moist air that you exhale contains water vapor. When this warm air comes into contact with a cool surface, such as a mirror, the water vapor within the exhaled air cools and condenses into tiny water droplets. This condensation is what causes the mirror to appear foggy.

Why does moist form on the suface of the mirror after you blow on it?

The mirror get "moisturized" when you blow on it since your breath has water vapors in it. Once you breathe or blow onto the mirror, the water vapors from your mouth go onto the mirror and cool down, causing it to look like a cloudy surface.

When you breathe on a window in water droplets appear thats an example of?

That is an example of condensation. When warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface like a window, the air cools down and cannot hold as much water vapor, leading to the moisture in the air condensing into water droplets.

What causes the fog when you breathe in the cold?

When you breathe in cold air, the warm moisture from your lungs and respiratory system condenses into tiny water droplets. These droplets are then visible as a fog or mist when you exhale.

What is a description of evaporaton?

Where water condenis and froms water fapor eg after a shower there might be water droplets on the mirror

Why are there mist in the mirror when you breathe air to the mirror?

When you breathe on a mirror, the warm air from your breath contains water vapor. When this warm air comes into contact with the cooler surface of the mirror, it cools down quickly, causing the water vapor to condense and form tiny water droplets, which appear as mist on the mirror.