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Q: When were the suns layers discovered?
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Which of the suns layers releases visble light?


which of the suns layers releases visible lights?

The Photosphere

Who discovered gases of layers?

Layers of gases are present in atmosphere. It was discovered by Mario Molina.

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Which of the suns layers only visible during eclipses?

Chromosphere and corona

What Visible light comes from which one of the suns layers?

The photosphere

What is kapler-16b?

its a newly discovered planet with 2 Suns ...

Why does fusion occur in the suns core but not in other layers?

Go to to find the answer

Which layers are not visible unless there is a total solar eclipse?

The corona, the suns atmosphere.

Through which three layers does energy from the core move to get to the suns apmospehere?


What layers of the Suns atmosphere are composed of granular or super granular cells?

Chromosphere A + LS.